At a Crossroad?
Your Next Level Career Is Waiting For You…




At a Crossroad?
Your Next-Level Career Chapter Is Waiting For You…




If you’re an ambitious and driven senior-level professional with an impressive track record of accomplishments and successes but you’ve hit a wall on ‘what’s next?’...

Then you're in the right place.

It’s time for you to reconnect to your passion, align with your true purpose and start your next career chapter with unwavering clarity, confidence and ease.

Does any of this sound like you?

You’ve reached a point in your career when you feel like your current job (or even career overall) is not enough.

On the one hand, your career looks great on paper - you’re successful, highly respected and you’ve worked hard to get to where you are…

Things may not always be so shiny but you’re good at what you do, you’re comfortable there and it pays the bills…

Right? Hmmmm,

Yet, on the other hand…

There’s a nagging feeling that’s getting harder to ignore:

“Is this it?”

You know, deep inside you, there’s so much more to life than you’re currently living.

So much more to you than you’re currently expressing…

So much untapped potential.  You know you’re capable of more. So much more.

You’re feeling a shift.

A desire to create a greater impact. To contribute to something bigger and more meaningful.

You know it’s possible to love what you do, while being paid well, but you’re just not sure what that is for you.

As the dissatisfaction grows, it’s starting to affect your relationships, your health and overall well-being. 

You’re increasingly irritated, drained by your job, instead of energised and inspired. 

You may wonder why it is happening to you.

You may even feel guilty (I know I was!) that you can’t just be happy with what you have and that pays the bills with more or less guaranteed certainty.

Let me clarify what exactly is going on here and let me be very direct with you. As I know this will serve big time!

Here is the bold, unapologetic truth… 

The truth that may trigger you, upset you, frustrate you or make you sad. 

However, as the saying goes “The truth will set you free”.

You see, knowing that truth will allow you to understand the root cause of your dissatisfaction and see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

It will give you hope. 

So here it is. 

The reason why your current career isn’t working for you is because you and your career are no longer a match! 


How come? You may ask.

Well…let’s take a trip down memory lane, and remember what influenced your chosen career path in the first place… 

Was it the logical step after university? 

A strong recommendation from the family, perhaps? 

A path that would give you the status, prestige and money you wanted? 

A “safe” Career that would pay the bills and give you the stability and security you were looking for? 

Yes, I thought so. 

And this is ok. 

It is normal to choose our careers based on any or all of the above. This was definitely my case. 

I am sure you had a good time there. You enjoyed your career for at least some time (you may still be enjoying certain aspects of it). 

For some time, it felt satisfying and exciting. 

You were successfully climbing the career ladder. 

Looking at the next level promotion (and higher salary) in your current or similar organisation as your motivator until one day… 

…it was not any longer. 

All in all, YOU have changed over time but your career has not and that is why it does not feel right 

Somehow you don’t fit in any longer… 

…you don’t belong there any more… 

The problem is…


…you have no clue what would feel right and what on earth you could do next that means you don’t have to sacrifice financially, “waste” years of your experience  and hard work and start over from scratch somewhere else where success is not  guaranteed 


…maybe you’ve worked in the same field for so long that you now feel limited.  Doing something different seems unrealistic, and almost impossible given the competition


…you worry that making changes is risky, and unreasonable given your financial commitments and responsibilities


…You’re not getting any younger, so you question whether it’s a good idea to change now? Maybe it is better to just let it be… (although deep inside even the thought of it makes you shake)…


…you may have already made attempts to change that have so far been unsuccessful, which has reinforced your fears that it’s never going to happen…

All in all, you are at the crossroads.

On the one hand, you want to change into something different (maybe a little different maybe something completely new), something:

…more meaningful where you can make a difference, help others

 …exciting and energising so that you still have all the energy to live your life outside work

 …that you are passionate about (even though you may struggle to define your passion at this stage)

 …where you are valued, recognised and can easily add value as what you do is well-aligned with your zone of genius

 … what pays well to give yourself and your family a beautiful life

 …that simply feels like YOU and being YOU is welcomed in your company

…a company where you feel like you belong, fit in so naturally

You’re feeling all of this and yet you have lots of concerns and doubts about what it would take to transition your career

 If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

I know how overwhelming it can be when your career is no longer working for you, but for various reasons it feels too scary and unsafe to make the change.

I also know how it feels to want something different and yet feel stuck on what that ‘different’ is.

Planning and then Executing your next-level career chapter, needn’t feel like fumbling in the dark…


You just need a helping hand.

…From someone who knows the ropes,  to help you get on (and stay on) the right track.

To guide and support you, so you’re not left figuring everything out alone…

To challenge your limiting beliefs, and blind spots, and hold a mirror up to your strengths…

To be gentle and kind, yet hold your feet to the fire, when things feel scary and…

Whose confidence, and belief in you holds you steady,  until you’re rock solid

And someone who can help you crush the time-line on transitioning to your next level career with confidence and ease.

As a ‘been there’ senior-executives coach and mentor, my 15+ years’ experience in the corporate world and as a career growth strategist and coach …



  • Reconnect with  your passion and purpose so you feel aligned and enthusiastic about your job once again (even if you decide to stay in your current organization)
  • Get clarity about your best next-level role that’s a guaranteed perfect fit, fuels your calling, ignites your joy, is financially rewarding and matches your dream lifestyle (it can be inside of your current company /industry, i.e. you choose the "STAY" Option or outside (career transition, starting your own business, joining a Board of Directors, etc.), i.e. you choose the EXIT Option) 
  • Package years of your experience in a way that translates to transferable skills and relevant expertise to make you a must-have asset for the next-level role of your choice
  • Have a concise and compelling career story ready that will speak volumes about you and what you can bring to the table 
  • Build an irresistible personal brand that positions you as an expert in the desired field which is aligned with your next-level career vision 
  • Stand out in the market place and catch the attention of the decision makers, even if you have limited or no relevant experience in a new industry
  • Build authentic high-quality connections via effective networking strategies  that give you access to the “Hidden” Job Market with ease so you’re invited to  interviews at your desired companies without applying (yes, you’ve heard me right!).
  • Build and master bullet-proof confidence so you can show up every day feeling positive, energized and motivated from inside out.
  • Articulate your worth and value to the company and negotiate your salary like a Pro so that you are maximizing your total compensation and job level and getting paid top dollar for your expertise.


Click Below to Discover, Design and Daringly Pursue Your Next Career Chapter


Personal message:

While I am committed to helping you secure your next-level role in the same or different company /industry,

This is only a fraction of the benefit you’ll accomplish working with me. 

If you’re just looking for the strategy on how to get a job, then we are NOT a good fit. 

Not because I don’t have a proven strategy (as I do!)  but because the “pure job search strategy” approach is not my focus as a Coach. 

I want MORE for you than just another job.  

I want you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, so you can be yourself, unapologetically, and have the career you've known in your soul you were always meant for. 

My aim is to help you create a life and career that is in ALIGNMENT with who you really are NOW (not who you used to be, or who you believed you should be!) 

I want you to wake up the fire that I know you have within you. 

To make your eyes spark again as you embark on the next chapter in your career that I’ll help you design. 

My aim is to support you in choosing YOU.  

In designing YOUR career the way YOU want.  

Becoming successful in the way that YOU want and that feels good. 

As this is  when, my friend,  you will truly FEEL successful.  

This is when you’ll feel like you’ve “finally arrived” and there is no need to chase the never-ending finish line any longer. 

You become successful beyond all the traditional metrics of success. 

Because now you derive your success from within. 

And this is when you live a life of no regrets, feeling proud and deeply satisfied. 

That is what truly living is all about, and what I’m here to help you achieve. 





Click Below to Discover, Design and Daringly Pursue Your Next Career Chapter 


About Me



I don’t want to show off with all my fancy qualifications and diplomas as this will not guarantee you’d get the results you are looking for (feel free to check my LinkedIn profile where you can get a full picture of my background if you wish though)

What I’d say instead is that the reason why I am certain that I would help you transition to the aligned career is  because I’ve successfully navigated that path myself and so, more than most, I get you and I’d help you.

It took me 2.5 long years (after I’d finally made the decision to change) to get three next-level job offers from a totally different industry in HR consulting /People advisory with a 25% salary increase, without having any previous experience. 

When two days before starting a new job I've decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business, it took me another couple of years of hard work and endless mistakes to finally have a multiple six-figures impact-driven business.

Let me tell you, that was hard as I had to figure out how to do that on my own. I made a lot of mistakes, got a lot of rejections, and wasted a lot of time and energy. I wasted a lot of money too, on all sorts of coaches and programs.

I don’t want that for you.

It’s overwhelming.



I want to shortcut your way to success.

I want to give you the process that simply works.

The process that is tried and tested over years with 400+ ambitious senior-level professionals that I’ve worked with.

The process that will save your time. Energy. Money.

The process that would give you the result you are after.

And that is what my signature Aligned Career Mastery™ framework is all about.

I will hold your hand every single step of the way towards your next-level career chapter.

I will not let you go until I see you smiling, excited about securing the next-level role or contract.

Because then, my friend, my job is done and off you go living your extraordinary life of meaning, financial abundance and freedom.



When you are at a crossroad in your career, what you need is to hit the RESET button…

After all, you’re not the same person you were 10, 15, even 20 years ago when you started your career, so why, when your life has changed, has your career not adjusted too? 

Hitting the reset button means taking your power back and reclaiming control of your career. 

And it all starts with getting crystal clear who you are at a soul level. 

This means understanding exactly what inspires, energises and excites your spirit so you can design your next level career that fulfils your potential, rewards you financially AND lights you up!

 Then you need a practical plan with actionable steps so you can confidently transition to your dream career with grace.

All while being supported and held accountable every step of the way so you stay on track and progress at a pace that feels amazing for you.

 All of this means you get to plan and execute your next-level growth strategy  while maintaining the feeling of safety, security and financial peace of mind that you’ve earned and deserve.

By the end of us working together you will not only secure your next-level role /client's contract but you will also be doing work that stimulates you, inspires you AND rewards you spiritually, emotionally and financially! 


Ready for the next chapter in your life and career? 

Ready for a fresh start and new challenge? 

Ready to step into your true power, take control of your career and intentionally design the career that gives the impact and income you desire? 

Let’s work together!